Leeds Urban Room
Leeds Urban Room is an open environment where conversation, discussion, debate and collaboration is nurtured and celebrated. The space can display creative outputs of our creative city communities. In the spirit of being open and collaborative, we are inviting interesting people to share our space and to make it their own.
The Leeds Urban room is a place where artists, civic minded community groups and organisations can meet, display work and discuss opportunities and initiatives relevant to the city and the region. We are providing an independent agenda for free space in the city.
We are not working alone - Leeds City Council have endorsed our initiative. Concourse have provided initial seed funding and conversations are underway with others, including; The Civic Trust, West Yorkshire Society of Architects, RIBA Yorkshire and the Academy of Urbanism.
We are looking for commercial sponsors to support us in this endeavour, as they too can benefit from using the space – as a meeting room, or remote working – so expect a call!

Projector & screen
Shared kitchen
2 x WCs